
Kelvin Mitau Kyendwa


Twende Mobility

Scrum Master and Lead Engineer. Managed 4 developers using agile methodology. Helped navigate team to a new stack using Next Js and a Django API. Built several components using React Js

React JS, Firebase, Next JS

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Whip Music Africa - API

Built the API for Whip Music Africa. This involved setting up authentication, rating system, post creation system. I also created a few microservices using node and laravel. I also set up Google Cloud platform services such as app engine, cloud sql, compute engine and cloud storage

Django, Django Rest framework, Google Cloud Platform

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The Chrowork

This project is a overtime and a timesheet management application. This involved me designing and developing the whole solution from ground up using Laravel, vue and MySQL databases. I also deployed the project to Heroku using Heroku CLI.

Laravel, Vue, Heroku

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Balance Bowl Dashboard

I was tasked to build this dashboard using react and redux. I also implement navigation using reach router and implemented state management using redux toolkit and context API

React, Redux

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Whip Music Africa

I setup the frontend Architecture for the application and created the components using react. I also built two dashboards using Laravel, vue and the other using Django. I deployed the code using firebase and set up firebase cloud storage.

React, Redux, Firebase Functions, Firebase Cloud Storage, Firebase Cloud Firestore

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Whip services

I built the whip services marketplace frontend using Next Js and Tailwind and integrated a Sanity Backend as well as a Airtble integration for the newsletter. I deployed the code to Digital Ocean

React, Redux, Next Js, Sanity, Airtble API

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